Tuesday 3 November 2009

Bonjour Cambodia!

To ensure that Juliette kept up with her airmiles collection we all headed off to Cambodia for a few days. We saw and experienced so much that it's hard to know where to begin to describe it! We landed in Phnom Penh (yes, that is how you spell it!) and took a rather exhilarating, 5 hour taxi ride to Siem Reap. Exhilarating due to the death-defying overtaking manouevres being undertaken all around us as well as the extreme sport of avoiding wandering livestock crossing the roads. We did arrive in one piece at our hotel with only mild whiplash to show for the journey and set out to wander around the town. We dropped into Wat Po - a buddhist temple with resident monk who kindly took time out to explain a few things about his temple. He spoke fluent English and was also starting to learn French - all to a considerably higher level than our Khmer! The next day we hired a tuk tuk (a motorbike with a small shed on the back as a form of transport) to take us around Angkor Wat - the largest temple in the world and a truly awe-inspiring place. I shall let the photos speak for this one... A word to those planning to visit - don't try to see too much in one day or you may be struck down with 'Temple Fatigue'! And you'll need some energy left to dodge the beautiful Cambodian children trying to sell you MORE postcards!

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