Tuesday 19 January 2010

Don't believe everything you read...

The advertising standards in Singapore seem to be slightly more 'relaxed' than I've seen in the UK. See the attached photo - an example of a beer that claims to be a health tonic and more... (if the text is too small, it says that it strengthens the immune system and causes regression and elimination of the AIDS virus)

I like to ride my bicycle...

 Mum's back from Australia so to remind her of all the humidity she's been missing we decided to take a trip to the small island of Pulau Ubin off the North East of Singapore. It claims to be how Singapore looked 'back in the day'. It's jungley and pretty humid and you can hire bikes to see mangrove swamps. Cycling speed is set by how fast the mozzies can chase after you and sweating is definitely the order of the day! However, it did enable us to see Fiddler Crabs, mud skippers and even a snake!